Butterfly Field Guides

Below is a list of recommended field guides that include butterfly species in New Hampshire. This list is not exhaustive, but reflects those guides commonly used by Count Coordinators with the NH Butterfly Monitoring Network. Compiled by Amy Highstrom, February 2024.

Field Guide Recommendations
Cover of Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America
A Swift Guide to Butterflies of North America - 2nd Edition (2017)

by Jeffrey Glassberg
This North American Butterfly Association-endorsed guide covers species across North America, drawing visual attention to key
field markings to assist in species identification with a strong emphasis on photos. If you enjoy traveling to other locations in North America, this guide will assist.

Kaufman Field Guide to Butterflies of North America (2006)

by Jim P. Brock and Kenn Kaufman
This is what you might consider a classic biologist’s guide book. If you enjoy traveling to other locations in North America, this guide will assist.

Butterflies of Maine and the Canadian Maritime Provinces (2023)

by Phillip G. deMaynadier, John Klymko, Ronald G. Butler, W. Herbert Wilson Jr. and John V. Calhoun
This recent publication will direct one’s attention to northern New England butterfly species rather than the whole of North America. It includes descriptions of important field markings and regional host plants.

The Butterflies of Massachusetts (2015)

by Sharon Stichter
This data-driven, species-by-species accounting of Massachusetts (New England) butterflies offers deep and detailed historical data, species prevalence and distribution past, present and future, and commentary on possible conservation outlook. Includes host plant information for New England. It does not include northern alpine/subarctic species but does include mid-Atlantic species pressing northward.