

The NH Butterfly Monitoring Network (NHBMN) is an effort to engage volunteers in counting and identifying butterflies across New Hampshire. Data collected by volunteers can contribute to our understanding of long-term trends in butterfly populations and inform conservation actions for both common and declining species. The NHBMN promotes volunteer participation in formal surveys, as well as the collection of opportunistic data. 

The NHBMN is a collaboration between state agencies, land trusts, conservation organizations, and university partners interested in butterfly conservation. These partner groups and organizations provide regional leadership for the Network. Coordination is provided by NH Fish & Game Department and UNH Cooperative Extension. Learn more about project partners

Did You Know?

  •  New Hampshire has over 130 documented butterfly species
  • Adults of different species can be seen during different seasons
  • Long-term monitoring can identify species that need conservation action
  • Threats to butterflies include loss of habitat, climate change and pesticide use
  • Volunteers may find new species arriving in the state as our climate warms

If you have general questions about the NH Butterfly Monitoring Network, contact: 

Haley Andreozzi 
Wildlife Conservation State Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension
haley.andreozzi@unh.edu, 603-862-5327 

Heidi Holman 
Wildlife Diversity Biologist, NH Fish & Game Department  
heidi.holman@wildlife.nh.gov, 603-271-3018